A New Normal: Proven practices for real change, less anxiety and more meaning.

Put your life on a new path with an innovative and practical approach to personal change.

Imagine a course on personal change that isn’t about resolutions or easy fixes that fail and go nowhere…

The ability to put ourselves on a new course in life is the greatest opportunity we have. Human flourishing always requires a step towards change, and a posture of optimism for the future. We want to change the world. But the true human frontier has always been – how do I change myself?

Our culture's ‘normal’ of more, comparison, and fame is broken.

22 percent of millennials say they have “no friends”. Nearly 40 percent say their stress has increased in the last 12 months. We are anxious. Fatigued. And often just overwhelmed at the complexity of the new digital revolution, and how it's changed our lives.

Learn how to put yourself on a path of emotional and relational health with a blueprint on who to become, not what to do.

Biblical, focused on Jesus, and practical, you'll learn

  • To be more, rested, connected, present, focused, and fulfilled.

  • The 7 pillars of health, and get practical life skills in your finances, marriage, mental health, friendships, and more!

  • Implement your personalised ‘Quadrant of Change’ activity for daily change.

  • Start to think in Days and Decades – a whole new approach to how you view your life.

Format: 19 videos. On-demand.